OpenSSH for Windows


    Silent Install options

    The silent install options (/S) will allow you to configure openssh from an un-attended installation. Note that the privilege seperated sshd server is installed by default unless /clientonly=1 is specified.

    /port=##   specify the listener port

    YOU MUST SPECIFIY YOUR OWN PASSWORD IF YOU INSTALL THE SERVER (sshd) - the default password is: D0ntGu3$$M3

    /domain=#   specify either 0 or 1 to select local(0) or domain(1) passwords.
    /keysize=####   specify specify the keysize (default is 2048)
    /clientonly=#   specify set to 1 to select client only silent installs.(NOTE: DO NOT SET /serveronly=1 as well)
    /serveronly=#   specify set to 1 to select server only silent installs. (NOTE: DO NOT SET /clientonly=1 as well)
    /x86=#   specify set to 1 to force x86 install on x64.

    /D=C:\Bla or /D=C:\Path with spaces Set installation folder ( $INSTDIR) Must be the last parameter on the command line and must not contain quotes even if the path contains blank spaces.

    defaults are port=22, run as local_system, no domain passwords, keysize=2048

    A command line example would be:
    setupssh-6.1p1-v2 /S
    A command line example with options would be:
    setupssh-6.1p1-v2 /password=MyP@ssw0rd /S

    Silent Uninstall options

    The silent uninstall option (/S) will allow you to remove openssh from an un-attended installation.
    c:\Program Files\OpenSSH\uninstall.exe /S

    If you want to do a silent upgrade (for example)
    setupssh-6.1p1-v2 /password=MyP@ssw0rd /S