OpenSSH for Windows


    Notes for using openssh/opensshd

    If you encounter errors, looking in \Program Files\OpenSSH\var\log\OpenSSHd.log is a good place to start.

    OpenSSH Service appears to hang after a connect

    This likely only affects openssh-8.1p1-1, but you need to download the 64-bit cygwin source or 32-bit cygwin source and locate cygwin-3.1.0-7.tar. Extract that tar, open it, and locate Cygwin-console-helper.exe. Copy Cygwin-console-helper.exe to your \Program Files\OpenSSH\bin folder and that should solve the problem.

    OpenSSH Service failing to start or install correctly

    The default password that is set during install must meet the complexity requirements of your system (in particular for Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, etc.). People who are experiencing this problem have typically NOT set the password to something that meets the server complexity requirements.

    OpenSSH Service failing to start

    People had asked that their settings persist during an upgrade so the installer tucks away a copy of your /etc folder in %TEMP%/etc.bak. As the installer elevates, then this is the Administrator %TEMP% (e.g. c:\users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp). However, for the latest version of OpenSSH the service could fail to start because the keys are too open:
    sh-4.4$ '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/OpenSSH/usr/sbin/sshd'
    Permissions 0640 for '/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key' are too open.
    It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
    This private key will be ignored.
    The fix is to use the chmod command to set the permissions to be 600 for the specific key file (in this case, ssh_host_rsa_key) by using an elevated Windows command prompt:
    sh-4.4$ cd '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/OpenSSH/etc'
    sh-4.4$ chmod 600 ssh_host_rsa_key
    sh-4.4$ exit
    net stop opensshd
    net start opensshd

    OpenSSH Service using older/incorrect settings from /etc

    If you encounter errors saying a deprecated option is being used, the installer includes the correct version, but the backup in /etc may contain an older version. If this is the case, please backup the changes you want to keep and delete the backup folder. Then edit your current /etc folder and update it accordingly.
    sh-4.4$ '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/OpenSSH/usr/sbin/sshd'
    /etc/sshd_config line 48: Deprecated option RSAAuthentication
    /etc/sshd_config line 109: Deprecated option UsePrivilegeSeparation

    For those using OpenSSH 5.9 or EARLIER and upgrading to OpenSSH 6.x or 7.x

    There have been some weird errors uninstalling versions of OpenSSH 5.9 and earlier - where the uninstaller essentially whacks the AppData folder. I would recommend NOT uninstalling, and instead install the newer OpenSSH over what is already there. The error seems to show up most often on SP1 patched Win7 systems - however, there is no 'fix' for the error since the uninstaller is already there and will be used. This error has been fixed on all post OpenSSH 5.9 packages released by me. I had hoped this warning would no longer be necessary, however, I notice that there are still 5-10 OpenSSH 5.9 downloads that occur from my web site every week (as of Mar 2016). Why someone would download old/buggy software that was outdated years ago is beyond me.

    Debug Mode (Client)

    To run the client in debug mode, do
    ssh -vv localhost

    Debug Mode (Server)

    To run the server in debug mode, do
    And navigate to
    where you can change
    AppArgs "-D -r"
    AppArgs "-D -r -dd -e"
    Now, stop and restart the service and try the connection again.
    net stop opensshd
    net start opensshd
    After the fail, you can look at the log in
    \Program Files\OpenSSH\var\log\OpenSSHd.log
    You will typically have to restart the service after each attempt - net start opensshd. The debugging steps cause the daemon to stop after a single connect.

    Issue with running as SSHD_SERVER and privilege seperation - opensshd fails to start

    The error that is being encountered manifests itself after trying to start opensshd using
    net start opensshd
    You receive the following message:
    opendsshd server service is starting. 
    opensshd server service cound not be started.

    The service did not report an error.
    The log file shows:
    /var/empty must be owned by root and not group or world-writable.

    To fix this issue (Vista+):
    1: Navigate to the openssh folder \Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty
    2: Right click on this folder, and select Properties->Security->Advanced->Owner->Other Users or Groups
    3: Enter 'sshd_server', then select 'Check Names', then 'OK'
    4: With 'sshd_server' selected, check the box 'Replace owner on subcontainer and objects'
    5: Select 'OK'
    6: Restart opensshd, using 'net start opensshd'

    If the above does not work, then you might have to do the following:
    1. icacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /reset /c /T
    2. icacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /inheritance:r /c /T
    3. icacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /inheritance:d /remove:g Administrator /grant:r sshd_server:(OI)(CI)F /c /T
    4. icacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /setowner sshd_server /c /t
    5. chown.exe sshd_server /var/empty
    6. chmod.exe 600 /var/empty

    The goal is to have /var/empty look like the following:
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var>icacls empty
    empty win7\sshd_server:(R,W,D,WDAC,WO)
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var>ls -l
    drwx------ 1 sshd_server None empty

    To fix this issue (XP):
    1: cacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /E /R "Everyone"
    2: cacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /E /R "Power Users"
    3: cacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /E /R "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"
    4: cacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /E /R "CREATOR OWNER"
    5: cacls "C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty" /E /R "BUILTIN\Administrators"

    The goal is to have /var/empty look like the following:
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var\empty %COMPUTERNAME%\sshd_server:(special access:)

    %COMPUTERNAME%\None:(special access:)

    Everyone:(special access:)

    BUILTIN\Users:(OI)(CI)(IO)(special access:)
    C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\var>ls -l
    drw-r-x---+ 1 sshd_server None 0 Feb 22 08:26 empty

    Issue with long paths and OpenSSH installers < 6.6.1p1-3

    The NSIS builder I used prior to this release supported string lenghts of 1024 characters or less. Of course, someone had a path that was greater than 1024, causing the installer to erase the whole path. I have since upgrade to the NSIS installer that supports 8192 character string lengths. If you find that has happened to you, the path can be recovered with a little registry foo, and then you can upgrade to the 6.6.1p1-3 installer or manually edit the path yourself.

    To fix issues related to the 'home' directory if your link isn't working

    The install script has been fixed, however if your older version did not contain the links for the users home directory (ssh attempts to write to known_hosts), you will want to do the following fix action.

    In order to fix this, do the following from an administrator cmd prompt (in your OpenSSH install folder):
    mklink /d home \Users\
    mklink /d "c:\Program Files\OpenSSH\home" \Users\

    If you are still rolling with Windows XP, then you can use the Junction utility from Sysinternals to make the above link (Junction also works with all versions of Windows). Junction is included in the OpenSSH bin folder.

    In order to fix this, do the following from an administrator cmd prompt (in your OpenSSH install folder):
    junction /d home "\Documents and Settings\"
    junction /d "c:\Program Files\OpenSSH\home" "\Documents and Settings\"

    Where are events logged by the server?

    OpenSSH logs events to the Windows event viewer. You can start Event Viewer via the control panel, or directly as eventvwr.exe. The logs are stored in the Application Logs and can be filtered by "sshd". An example of the logs available is as follows:
    sshd: PID 224420: Failed password for xxxxx from ::1 port 61729 ssh2
    sshd: PID 224420: Connection closed by ::1
    sshd: PID 224948: Accepted password for xxxxx from ::1 port 62293 ssh2
    sshd: PID 224948: syslogin_perform_logout: logout() returned an error
    sshd: PID 224948: Received disconnect from ::1: 11: disconnected by user
    sshd: PID 224948: Disconnected from ::1

    The opensshd user (sshd_server) is not always deleted when openssh is uninstalled

    During the server uninstall it is possible that the sshd_server account is not deleted. This is easily fixed by uninstalling the openssh application and verifying via net user. After uninstallation, there should no longer be an sshd_server username present. If one (or more) happen to be there, you can manually clean up the entries via net user sshd_server /delete.

    child_info_fork::abort: C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin\cygiconv-2.dll: Loaded to different address: parent(0x4D0000) != child(0x8D0000)

    The ssh client responds with:
    shell request failed on channel 0
    ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
    The ssh or scp connection fails on 32-bit OpenSSH server attempts with the following error on the server:
    0 [main] sshd 5588 child_info_fork::abort: C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin\cygiconv-2.dll: Loaded to different address: parent(0x4D0000) != child(0x8D0000)
    This error shows up in \var\log\opensshd.log. Some googling showed that updating Windows Defender helped ( - which it did in that at least the client was able to connect to the server. However, the error was still present. More googling uncovered ( which recommended changing 'StrictMode no'. After changing StrictMode in \etc\sshd_config, I was able to connect to the Windows 10 x86 system successfully. I don't actually know what causes this error yet, and that might not be the best solution, but it is at least a solution.
    The Windows event log showed the following errors while I was trying to figure out what was wrong
    sshd: PID 5456: Received signal 15; terminating.
    sshd: PID 5456: error: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
    sshd: PID 5552: error: do_exec_pty: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable